Windows Command Script File Extension Rating: 3,7/5 3571votes

Azure Custom Script Extension for Windows. The Custom Script Extension downloads and executes scripts on Azure virtual machines. This extension is useful for post deployment configuration, software installation, or any other configuration management task. Scripts can be downloaded from Azure storage or Git. Logon-Logoff-scripts_thumb.png' alt='Windows Command Script File Extension' title='Windows Command Script File Extension' />Hub, or provided to the Azure portal at extension run time. The Custom Script extension integrates with Azure Resource Manager templates, and can also be run using the Azure CLI, Power. Shell, Azure portal, or the Azure Virtual Machine REST API. This document details how to use the Custom Script Extension using the Azure Power. Shell module, Azure Resource Manager templates, and details troubleshooting steps on Windows systems. Prerequisites. Operating System. The Custom Script Extension for Windows can be run against Windows 1. Client, Windows Server 2. R2, 2. 01. 2, 2. 01. Windows Command Script File Extension' title='Windows Command Script File Extension' />R2, and 2. Script Location. The script needs to be stored in Azure Blob storage, or any other location accessible through a valid URL. Internet Connectivity. The Custom Script Extension for Windows requires that the target virtual machine is connected to the internet. Extension schema. In Windows you can zip some files by right click send to Compressed zipped folder And unzip by double clicking on the. How to Restore Default File Extension Type Associations in Windows 8 and 8. Information This tutorial will allow you to restore the defa. A batch file is a kind of script file in DOS, OS2 and Microsoft Windows. It consists of a series of commands to be executed by the commandline interpreter, stored. Run a CMD batch file. To run a batch script from the CMD shell, save the file as plain ASCII text with the file extension. CMD, then from the command line, enter the. Automate Windows VM configuration tasks by using the Custom Script extension. The following JSON shows the schema for the Custom Script Extension. The extension requires a script location Azure Storage or other location with valid URL, and a command to execute. If using Azure Storage as the script source, an Azure storage account name and account key is required. These items should be treated as sensitive data and specified in the extensions protected setting configuration. Azure VM extension protected setting data is encrypted, and only decrypted on the target virtual machine. Version 2. 01. Microsoft. Computevirtual. Machinesextensions. CA%20IDMS%2018%205%20User%20Bookshelf-ENU/Bookshelf_Files/HTML/CAIDMS_VDBA_Userguide/1230863.png' alt='Windows Command Script File Extension' title='Windows Command Script File Extension' />Group. On. concatMicrosoft. Computevirtual. Machines, variablesvm. Name,copyindex. Name. Name config app. Microsoft. Compute. Custom. Script. Extension. Handler. Version 1. Upgrade. Minor. Version true. Uris. script location. Settings. command. To. Execute my. Execution. Command. Account. Name my. Storage. Account. Name. storage. Account. Key my. Storage. Account. Key. Property values. Note these property names are case sensitive. Use the names as seen above to avoid deployment issues. Template deployment. Azure VM extensions can be deployed with Azure Resource Manager templates. The JSON schema detailed in the previous section can be used in an Azure Resource Manager template to run the Custom Script Extension during an Azure Resource Manager template deployment. A sample template that includes the Custom Script Extension can be found here, Git. Hub. Power. Shell deployment. The Set Azure. Rm. VMCustom. Script. Extension command can be used to add the Custom Script extension to an existing virtual machine. For more information, see Set Azure. Rm. VMCustom. Script. Extension. Set Azure. Rm. VMCustom. Script. Extension Resource. Group. Name my. Resource. Group. VMName my. VM. Location my. Location. File. Uri my. URL. Run my. Script. ps. Name Demo. Script. Extension. Troubleshoot and support. Troubleshoot. Data about the state of extension deployments can be retrieved from the Azure portal, and by using the Azure Power. Shell module. To see the deployment state of extensions for a given VM, run the following command. Get Azure. Rm. VMExtension Resource. Group. Name my. Resource. Group VMName my. VM Name my. Extension. Name. Extension execution output is logged to files found under the following directory on the target virtual machine. C Windows. AzureLogsPluginsMicrosoft. Compute. Custom. Script. Dragon Ball Raging Blast 2 Demo For Pc there. Extension. The specified files are downloaded into the following directory on the target virtual machine. C PackagesPluginsMicrosoft. Compute. Custom. Script. Extension1. Downloadslt n. The 1. value matches the actual, current type. Handler. Version value of the extension. For example, the actual directory could be C PackagesPluginsMicrosoft. Compute. Custom. Script. Extension1. 8Downloads2. When executing the command. To. Execute command, the extension will have set this directory e. Downloads2 as the current working directory. This enables the use of relative paths to locate the files downloaded via the file. URIs property. See the table below for examples. Since the absolute download path may vary over time, it is better to opt for relative scriptfile paths in the command. Office 2013 Crack Product Key there. To. Execute string, whenever possible. For example command. To. Execute powershell. File. scriptsmyscript. Path information after the first URI segment is retained for files downloaded via the file. Uris property list. As shown in the table below, downloaded files are mapped into download subdirectories to reflect the structure of the file. Uris values. Examples of Downloaded Files. URI in file. Uris. Relative downloaded location. Absolute downloaded location ttps some. Acct. blob. core. Containerscriptsmyscript. C PackagesPluginsMicrosoft. Compute. Custom. Script. Extension1. 8Downloads2scriptsmyscript. Acct. blob. core. Containertop. Level. Level. ps. 1C PackagesPluginsMicrosoft. Compute. Custom. Script. Extension1. 8Downloads2top. Level. ps. 1As above, the absolute directory paths will change over the lifetime of the VM, but not within a single execution of the Custom. Script extension. Support. If you need more help at any point in this article, you can contact the Azure experts on the MSDN Azure and Stack Overflow forums. Alternatively, you can file an Azure support incident. Go to the Azure support site and select Get support. For information about using Azure Support, read the Microsoft Azure support FAQ.